Director’s message

Our education program aims to train and foster DesignEers (=Designer+Engineer), at the undergraduate level, who are engineers capable of understanding the needs and issues of industrial design and integrating them into the engineering design and manufacturing. This initiative is well received by today’s industry in light of the increasing demand for more diverse and higher emotional quality of products.

On the other hand, as the fourth industrial revolution builds on the third, prosumers are becoming increasingly eager to realize individualized design for their smart home gadgets, mobility devices, mobile phones, etc. with the help of artificial-intelligence, high-speed data transmission, and 3D printing technology. This new movement will also increase the demand for DesignEers who can aid and facilitate such individualized design and its realization.

A noteworthy feature of our program, among many characteristics, is the close collaboration with industry, including startups, in the planning, development, and operation of all our educational activities. As such, we shall train our students that precisely satisfy the current needs of industry. Furthermore, international networking is also on the top of our program’s strategy list because successful DesignEers should be equipped with skills for effective global communication and operation.

All the faculty members in our program will endeavor to fulfill the goal of cultivating competent world-class DesignEers. Your interest, constructive critique, and support for our activities will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

Hyunjune Yim Director of the DesignEer Program
Hongik University, Korea

Educational Vision and Aim


Best design-engineering education program in Asia


Best design-engineering education program in Asia

Educational Program Structure